Who We are
Sridevi Veda Vidyalayamu was registered as a Public Charitable Trust on 2nd November 1984 with Dr. Diwakarla Venkatavadhani as Founder President and Sri D.S.M.V.Prasada Rao as Founder Secretary and four others as Founder Trustees.
Daily Adhyayana starts at 4.30 A.M. and continues till 9.00 P.M. Vidyarthis perform Trikaala Sandhyavandanam and Agnikaryam. Abhishekam, Pooja are performed both in the morning and evening. Sanskrit and other subjects pertaining to our culture and tradition are also taught
Srimatha Sthupam
“ Srimatha Sthupam” was constructed with Lalitha Sahasranama Stothram inscribed on it. Every year, on Vijaya Dasami Day, during Sharannavaratri Celebrations, the Parayana Patras received from devotees who performed Lalitha Sahasranama Stotra .

Our Appeal
For further details about our Veda Vidyalayamu, Kindly go through our Web Site--- “ www.srideviveda.com”. Learning Vedas in their purest form requires acute austerity and dedication. Shastras say that any material contribution provided for encouraging Veda Adhyayana gives the donor, merit a million times over. Please donate liberally for Vedic education by contributing to the Corpus Fund of Sridevi Veda Vidyalayamu. You can also contribute for the educational expenses of maintaining one vidyarthi by contributing Rs. 50,000/- per annum. All donations to Sridevi Veda Vidyalayamu, Srisailam are exempt from Income Tax under Section 80 G of Income Tax Act 1961.
Our Founders

Late Sri T Lingamurthy

Late Sri M V Ratnam

Goshala Project
A Goshala is maintained in the Vidyalayam Premises to nourish and propagate the native cow breed. For this purpose, a separate Savings Bank Account has been opened at Andhra Bank, Srisailam, styled, “ Sridevi Gosamrakshana Nidhi”.

It is gratifying to note with satisfaction that many revered Jagadgurus, Peethadhipathis and Spiritual leaders blessed us

H.H.Sri Sri Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamy ji, Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Kancheepuram visited our Vidyalayamu and blessed us.